Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clean Mold From A Toothbrush

competition planning version 2

But of course that the so everything does not work;) why was the race planning vice threw again and now looks like this:

The date for the Dünsberg Marathon is not yet fixed, but will probably take place again in late September, making it the season finale. Eventually comes the end of August to a race (Rhön marathon), but here the date is not fixed yet and the race for me more important - therefore decided spontaneously. But definitely still to come are two competitions running: Lollslauf and another 10km run, which is not yet fixed but (as many weekends, a year is now being expected to not play ...).

The 3 SKS-Marathon (Zierenberg, Keller forest and Bilstein) form this year for the first time the "SKS-Rohloff MTB North Hessen-Cup", which is exactly what is probably still in the stars - at least I was until now no detailed information (welceh distances are, etc.) related.


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