Sunday, January 9, 2011

Citizen Band Beam Antenna Sale

patchwork table runners and subjects bag

My UFOs reduced sloooooow!

Now I could make the table runners finished yesterday.
This gave me some really fun again because I could let off steam when quilting again properly.

Thus, the rotor is also really solid and flat.
As an intermediate position I have taken only a cotton Molton, so that the whole is not as thick.

And the white substance I have edged with a satin stitch.

And hearts were not missing.

with bias tape I then edged the runner, a "binding" in sunny yellow.
now graces the beautiful particles that I am now after the quilting again like much better (and not so Mioch with mustard and ketchup) reminds my white chest of drawers.


And with my pocket I'm also a little fan came on.

the front and back of the bag yesterday, I verquiltet evening. I was always just so nice to ride. * Laughs *

And here are the back, as you can see the quilt pattern best.

have Zeischenlage As I again used a fleece blanket.
And with the quilting, the whole is now pretty stiff and firm. So perfect for a bag.

Let's see when can I tackle the next step. ;-)

I wish you all a great rest of Sunday and a good start into the new week.


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