Saturday, November 26, 2005

Coffee Storage Containers

Station: General Information

Thailand is one of Asia and is on the 6 ° - 21 ° latitude of the northern hemisphere. The neighboring countries are Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. Thailand is on the Indian Ocean (Anda-mix sea) and the Pacific (Gulf of Thailand).

Thailand's climate is tropical and characterized by three seasons.
In Nov.-Feb. The air is rather dry and cool. increase from March to May is hot and humid, with temperatures up to 35 ° C. In June to September monsoon season, it rains a lot and hard.

Thailand is a developing nation, that is, it is located on the way from an agrarian to an industrialized country. As the largest rice exporter in the world, Thailand is now trying to also to develop the services sector. In the population is a great difference between rich u.reich. Typical of an emerging vision includes a low level of education and high illiteracy rates.

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy since 1932, since 1946 head of state is King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Thais meet him with great respect. His duties in the Thai political system be established by the Constitution. The king opened the session of Parliament and appoints the prime minister. All government power is exercised in his name. On the actual political events of the King, however, has little control. The function of Head of State is in Thailand largely symbolic and ceremonial nature (constitutional monarchy).


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