Saturday, November 26, 2005

Coffee Storage Containers

Station: General Information

Thailand is one of Asia and is on the 6 ° - 21 ° latitude of the northern hemisphere. The neighboring countries are Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. Thailand is on the Indian Ocean (Anda-mix sea) and the Pacific (Gulf of Thailand).

Thailand's climate is tropical and characterized by three seasons.
In Nov.-Feb. The air is rather dry and cool. increase from March to May is hot and humid, with temperatures up to 35 ° C. In June to September monsoon season, it rains a lot and hard.

Thailand is a developing nation, that is, it is located on the way from an agrarian to an industrialized country. As the largest rice exporter in the world, Thailand is now trying to also to develop the services sector. In the population is a great difference between rich u.reich. Typical of an emerging vision includes a low level of education and high illiteracy rates.

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy since 1932, since 1946 head of state is King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Thais meet him with great respect. His duties in the Thai political system be established by the Constitution. The king opened the session of Parliament and appoints the prime minister. All government power is exercised in his name. On the actual political events of the King, however, has little control. The function of Head of State is in Thailand largely symbolic and ceremonial nature (constitutional monarchy).

Sample Letter Of Clothing Franchise

to learn stations

Class 8s currently in geography deals with the subject of Thailand.
The following stations will be addressed by groups:
Station "child labor"
• Describes the difference between child work and other activities that are performed by children for money (2)! • Call
common causes of child labor! Explain why many children work in the tourism industry (2)!
• Arranges the texts to the images and is for everyone / s Section / image an appropriate title. Records the activities of children in key words and takes into account the prevailing conditions under which the work must be performed (1).
you • Read the text "child labor in tourism" and noted by key words important to you (3).
additional task: select each one or more of the activities of the latter, this information sheet, and pantomime dar. The other group members must guess the activity (3).

Station "tsunami"
• Describes in detail the formation of a tsunami. Made to a sketch (1)!
• Take a look at the pictures. Describe your impressions (2).
• Describes the impact of the tsunami in Thailand (2).
• Think about the group why it has come to the tsunami disaster and how you would mitigate the damage (decrease) can. Created this list (measures) (3).
• Read the text "Next door, the misery" and describes the reaction of the tour to the natural disaster (3).
Station "diseases"
• Explains how the graphics on the risks that exist in each area.
• describe whether and how to prevent against disease.
• Reviewed the infectious diseases in Thailand can occur. Particularly considered the issue of contagion.
• What can you tell her about hygiene and health situation? It also noted the impact of the tsunami.

Station "Land use conflicts"
• Reviewed the material available. Commented cause the growing tourist numbers, with the conflicts in land use. •
you from addiction in the atlas or a map of Thailand, a place where you would run their tourism.
• Created for two one-sided approach to a conflict-free use of this site. Observed here would have to question what possible problems to be overcome. Alright, here we own Worry.

Station "sex tourism"
• Just listen to the radio play, and makes you notes. •
also examine the material available.
• List advantages and disadvantages, which have the families and the women / girls from prostitution.
• Think about how to prevent a further widening of the (child) prostitution in tourism.

Station "environmental problems"
• Describes the issues of water supply and the waste. •
puts you in the shoes of a tourist, a hotel owner and an environmental activist in a tourist town. Write a dialogue between three people. Observed the positions earned by the respective persons to the water and waste problem.
• Think about measures for reducing pollution.

"Open" Station
• Does the material present between them. Each of you has the task of taking a closer look with the material. Describes both a review of your choice and your impressions / thoughts. Imagine that you shall tell your classmates something they should definitely know about the problems of tourism. Commented on your part by writing down her why you just selected the important contribution appears.

Station "General Information"
• Arranges the map details and pictures of the enclosed map to.
• Find out by using the diagrams, which are special places in Thailand destinations and assigns them the atlas using a geographical (longitude and latitude).
• Created an outline using the template of Thailand by her inscribes the main tourist destinations.
• Imagine, you want to do a tour of Thailand in which you want to visit many places. Planning an itinerary for a week. Remember, as you can connect the individual towns.
→ Think about together, as you plan this station makes sense can and distributes the work orders. It may be useful if you combine the tasks together.