Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Franchise Depreciation

How could prevent pollution

To prevent recycling

pollution, should be introduced for each household in Thailand waste bins and landfill sites should be built. The waste would be separated properly and things are recycled.
out the result in the incinerated waste will not be harmful and so is CO2.
This process would throw you a full-needed items in the bin, it will be taken to the landfill, it is recycled and you buy it in another form and nature would be spared.
waste thus becomes a raw material for new products.
You can recycle as glass, paper, plastic and organic waste.

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Extreme Forms of Child Labour

child labor starts very early. Infants who are missing after birth, the birth certificate, have no identity and fall of child labor victims. Many children are not achieved by children's charities.
More than 100 million children suffer from child labor, two of the worst cases of child prostitution, child labor and child soldiers. Many children aged 12 years throughout the world want to take up a vocational training so that they can provide for her family, and are often used only. You do not have to go to school, help in family farms and small businesses. It is suspected of child protection organizations, that children are exploited mainly in the home. did not

Monday, March 20, 2006

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impact following the tsunami

By Timo Feldhaus

People do what they should, as they had lost their entire existence. Everything was destroyed homes, boats, Hotels.Besonders it was hard, that Fischer had to watch with their own eyes how their fishing boat was destroyed.
The water supply was broken totally together, also could not drink the water from wells or from the pipes!
had therefore necessarily relief supplies to affected areas to be sent, but some regions do not come out to the helpers.
Tourism was also damaged, because after the tsunami, many people
no longer wanted in the affected Travel areas.

Monday, February 20, 2006

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land use conflicts in Thailand

land use conflicts through Tourism in Thailand

- Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has many Akttraktionen as the Marine Park. You can visit many marine animals, but most Thais can not afford this luxury.
- A further disadvantage for the locals is that the tourists more and cleaner water than the locals because they have to fetch their water from wells that is often not connected to public water supply system oversights by the fact that tourists consume so much water , the water for the locals increasingly scarce.
- Another problem is the pollution of the water, get the locals from the well. Through these unhygienic conditions many Thais are sick.
- The beaches of Thailand are often polluted by the tourists because they, rather than throw in the garbage bin, rather leave the rubbish on the beach.
- The government is worried about the well often several of the tourists because they bring important foreign exchange into the country.

Near Bangok there is a lake, the Si Sawat.

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part 1: prevention of disease

In several countries it is required that you inoculated against the following diseases.
But in Thailand it is RECOMMENDED to tourists only and not mandatory.
Many travel agents are recommended to tourists anyway.

Can we prevent disease?
help general vaccination, particularly in rapidly emerging diseases. Recommended
been these vaccinations upon arrival in Thailand:
hepatitis A / B
-rabies (in Thailand, especially in Bangkog, there are many stray dogs)
typhoid [Typhrim-Vi]
Malaria : eg: Resochin 1Tablette/Woche; Paludrine 2Tabletten/Tag.
malaria can not be vaccinated, so much mitnehemen tablets against.

-is also important that one goes to a tropical disease.
recommendations of the German tropical medicine:
-High risk: medical preventions note!
-other risks: mitnehemen drugs for emergencies!

Part 2:
diseases in Thailand

Most diseases that tourists are concerned, malaria, diarrhea (AIDS) are.
MALARIA: Malaria is a life-threatening infectious disease. Vectors of malaria are amoeboid life-forms that by the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes can be transmitted to humans.
risk areas are mostly in forests. Malaria-free areas are Bangkog, Chanthaburi, Ching Mai, Chiang Rei, Pattaya, Phuket and Ko Samui.
DIARRHEA: often the causes is in general Reisenervosität (travel bug)
or a different type of new food.
For the otherwise healthy adult cure most infections and harmless after a few days without specific treatment. Special risk are infants and young children, pregnant women and the elderly. Diarrhea can also lead to a serious disease (eg cholera) are.
But rarely can a deadly diarrhea run
AIDS: The danger comes mostly through the use of dirty syringes and unprotected Sex.Kondome effective protection are available everywhere, but two young people are not very popular condoms, thus increasing every year in Thailand, the number of young people, who have been infected with HIV.
But for the average tourist is not normally present a pod for higher risk of becoming infected with HIV.

health situation and health care

The government warns that entering the country before eating and buying food from street cheap restaurants. Important fact is hygienic food and drink, you should only boiled, nothing lau eat reheated.
One should consistently use mosquito repellent, for example, especially in the evening use a cream at night and sleep under the mosquito net. It also helps to dress evening long pants udn shirts.
When sexual contact to make sure that condoms are used.

reach 93% of medical facilities in less than an hour herkömmlciehn transport.
the tsunami:
After the tsunami they had fear of epidemics. At least 1.5 million homeless people were without clean drinking water. The Red Cross and the Government of India to ensure that diseases in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives and Somalia not be further contaminated by cholera.

by: Sarah, Vania and Kangsadan

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problems of water supply inThailand

problems of water supply in Thailand
In most tourist facilities, the water supply well. But in areas such as the island of Ko Chang
referring 85.4% of tourist facilities
their water from wells.
If the wells are empty, the fountain of
the workers to drill deeper. The result is that
mixed ground water with salt water. This VER
salted groundwater then fills the fountains, but
not suitable for drinking.
complicated but it is in wastewater.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

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child prostitution in Thailand

Many girls already start with 12 years of prostitution in order to live better. They have better chances than older prostitutes, because they are "not yet" infected with AIDS. You get quite a lot Money, but are often cheated by their Arbeitgeberz. They are forced into the nose to be operated so as to earn even more, for girls with pretty little noses more often chosen as a girl with large, crooked noses. If a girl refuses to sleep with a man, she is beaten and put in a dark room.
Mukk wife, a former prostitute, has ceased to prostitution when she saw a young girl on her knees begging her mother not to take even an advance on her pimp because she wanted to kill otherwise. For this advance it is a laborious "work off". Many mothers use the money for something better of their child to live because they don `t have very very poor.
wife bought Mukk free the girl and founded an organization "against" sex tourism, but she needs more help!
But all is far from being helped.

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the waste problem in Thailand

the waste problem in Thailand

The garbage is a big problem in Thailand. Most waste is incinerated or buried. In the tourist areas, the garbage disposal a great step forward. In a few regions of the waste is already separated. We collect glass bottles, plastic and aluminum cans, because they on the waste market have a great value.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

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tsunami early warning system

Since November 2005, the resulting tsunami early warning system - installed in the Indian Ocean, the Sunda Arc - Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS). The TEWS will help to protect against natural disasters.
Together with other partner organizations, the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam, the system found a way to place within 3 years. , Federal Minister for Research Bulham it
presented at the UN Conference and the UNESCO on behalf of the UN should lead the project. TWES The system is decentralized up to the expansion of the system to enable, if necessary.

construction started in November 2005

In November, the German research vessel Sun started the buoys in the Indian waters for the sensor network suspend. Another part is the establishment of satellite communications. The know-how among local leaders and residents is very important.
The system has a value of 45 million €, it is Indonesia by the German Federal Government provided and cooperation with other countries will be sought. Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Madagascar are interested in cooperating with Germany. The warning of tsunamis and other natural disasters
is also the theme of the Third International Conference on Early Warning (Third Internatioal Conference on Early Warning EWC3), from 27 to 29 March 2006 in Bonn will take place.
The GFZ operates the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF) and the Alfred-Wegener-private institution seismological research network. It is to be based on competence and experience
able to transfer in a short time a scientific approach to transfer the experience of the early warning system in the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. It does not start from scratch.

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tsunami, the emergence

Michel Menken 02/17/2006

formation of a tsunami triggered a tsunami

are 90 Percent tsunamis, but also
volcanic eruptions and landslides can trigger a tsunami.
For example, in 1883, exploded near Sumatra
underwater volcano and swallowed a volcanic island. The result was a 26 meter high wave that claimed 36,000 people lives.

If a landslide occurs on the edge of a sea, then huge stones into the water, triggering a tsunami that can be up to 30 meters high.
tsunamis can be caused by cosmic projectiles (planets). That's about 65 million years ago have been the case, as a planet has fallen into the Indian golf and has triggered a tsunami that the extinction of the dinosaurs has caused in the Gulf.

The tsunami of Sumatra

was the tsunami of Sumatra, because the oceanic crust is pushed under the crustal plate of Sumatra. This is called subduction. You got caught, and the plate of Sumatra turned away. Is formed on the coast of Sumatra, a deep sea trench. Due to the pressure shot up the plates back. The seabed has been raised by 3 meters. This lack of space and the earthquake of 9.3 intensity of the tsunami was triggered. The water was pushed to the coast of Sumatra.
The tsunami has emerged. The water was moving with periodic, oscillating movements to shore. By the bottom slope at the coast, the waves are higher and faster. The water now has a speed of a jet aircraft (700 km / h). In contrast, it was still on the open sea as fast as a sprinter (10 km / h). This process is called amplitude. On the coast, then fell the waves her over the mainland of Sumatra, leaving destruction and 300,000 deaths.

If the tsunami is created, the course of each tsunami is almost identical.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

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child labor in Thailand

child labor
causes of child labor:
- not enough, the family income
- children need to earn

Negative impact:
- children can not get access to school
- School costs high

Why so many children work in tourism?
- you need no training in tourism working
- tourism is often liked to work because of contact with other people

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land use conflicts Thailand

Tourism in Thailand

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and the most popular tourist destination . It is full of attractions (eg the Marine Park, where you can see a lot of marine animals).

In Thailand there is a huge water problem, the locals get their water from wells. But the fact that tourists consume so much water, the Water for the locals always scarce.

Near Bangok it is a lake , the Si Sawat.

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reaction of tour operators to the tsunami

offered after the tsunami at Christmas 2004, the tour operators free return flights to Germany.
Some companies offered free flights to the special disaster area, for
members and volunteers. For people who
their journey not begun changes or cancellations were offered. Air traffic was then adjusted total.
now runs the air traffic returned to normal.